The Chilli King

Scotch Bonnet Sauce Recipe

We’ve been going hot sauce mad recently here at the chilliking. This scotch bonnet sauce recipe is incredibly simple (pretty much just chillies and vinegar) and really lets the heat and incredible flavour of the scotch bonnets speak for themselves. The sauce would work equally well with habaneros instead of scotch bonnets.

Be careful when chopping/handling this many scotch bonnets. Ideally wear latex gloves when chopping the peppers or if not be very careful to not scratch your eyes (or anything else) and wash your hands thoroughly after making the sauce.

Scotch Bonnet Sauce Ingredients

20 scotch bonnets (100g when chopped)
100ml of red wine vinegar
3/4 teaspoon of salt
2 teaspoons of brown sugar
100ml water


Roughly chop the scotch bonnets, removing the stalks and any excess seed membrane (i leave most of the seeds in). Add the scotch bonnets to a food processor and blitz for a few seconds until they are finely chopped. Next add the chopped scotch bonnets to a small pan along with the vinegar and salt and bring to the boil. Turn down the heat and simmer for 5-10 minutes until the peppers have softened.

The mixture should reduce down a bit. Keep an eye on it so it doesn’t burn or dry out too much. When it starts to look like it might dry out, add the water and sugar then stir and simmer for a further 4-5 minutes. Rmove from the heat and allow to cool.

Meanwhile take your glass bottle/s and sterilize by either boiling in water or heating in the oven for 5 minutes.

Once cooled and your bottles are almost ready add the sauce back into your food processor and blitz until smooth. Add the sauce to your sterilized jars, seal and allow to cool.

Once opened store the sauce in the refrigerator. The sauce should keep for several months unopened and at least 12 weeks once opened and refrigerator.

Note: The above recipe made one bottle of sauce. However as you can see from the photo i was forced to give half of it away and the remaining half has not lasted long despite being blistering hot!