The Chilli King

Lassi Recipe

A refreshing drink drunk all over India. Sweet lassi is drunk mostly in Northern India & salty lassi (or buttermilk) in the South. Mango lassi is another refreshing alternative.

Sweet Lassi (per glass)

Natural yogurt (1/4 glass)
Cold still water (1/2 glass)
Ice (1/4 glass)
Sugar to taste

Throw all the ingredients into a blender & whiz. Pour into a glass & serve straight away.

Salted Lassi (per glass)

Natural yogurt (1/4 glass)
Cold sparkling water (1/2 glass)
Ice (1/4 glass)
Salt to taste

Throw all the ingredients into a blender & whiz. Pour into a glass & serve straight away.

Mango Lassi (per glass)

Natural yogurt (1/4 glass)
Cold still water (1/4 glass)
Ice (1/4 glass)
Fresh mango slices or tinned mango pulp (1/4 glass)
Sugar to taste

Throw all the ingredients into a blender & whiz. Pour into a glass & serve straight away.