The Chilli King

Garam Masala Recipe

This garam masala recipe is very simple. You really cannot beat making your own masala spice mix. When you realise how easy it is you’ll never use “curry powder” again.

Garam Masala Ingredients

200g of cumin seeds
50g of corriander seeds
50g of ground peppercorns
3 cardamom pods
1 thumb size piece of ginger
1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
4 cardamom pods (squashed)
5 bay leaves
a pinch of slat
1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg


Place all the incredients into a spice grinder or pestle and mortar and grind until they form a fine powder. Use the mixture as a base to any dish. The garam masala is usually adde to the frying pan at the start of the dish alongside some onions, prior to any other vegetable or meat being added.