The Chilli King

Thinning Out Pepper Seedlings

The Serrano seeds from Wahaca that I planted in the first week in January are looking really healthy.

Serrano Chilli Seedlings

As mentioned before i wish i’d only planted one seed per cell as I don’t enjoy thinning out seedlings. As you can see in the shot below some of the Wahaca seed sticks had up to 5 seeds each. With almost 100% germination rates culling some of the weaker seedling is the only option.

Rather than trying to separate out the roots i’ve decided to take a pair of scissors and snip out the weaker looking stems, leaving just one seedling per cell. This will allow the remaining seedlings to maximise their root growth and grow strong without having to compete with neighbouring plants.

Here are the poor soldiers that didn’t make it. It seems harsh but the remaining plants will thank me with higher yields come the summer time.