The Chilli King

The Chilli King Flickr Group

We are always keen to try and improve the site and welcome any feedback from our readers. Many people have been asking recently if it is possible to have an area of the site to share pictures or photos of their plants to help diagnose disease, identify pests or just plain show off their peppers!

As a result i’ve started a group on the brilliant photo sharing site flickr. You can find it here: Flickr: The Chilli King Group

If you don’t know about it, flickr is a site used primarily by photographers (amongst others) to upload, backup, organize and share photographs as well as having discussions about their pictures.

Being an avid amateur photographer I started using the site about a year ago to upload some of my best photos. The thing I like about flickr is it lets users create groups to share their pictures into a collective pool and have discussions about them. Hopefully our readers can use the group to maintain some of the discussion and advise around the photos posted.

Here are some ideas for the sort of pictures it would be good to see from everyone;

We’ve created our own Chilli King Group so that our readers can pool your chilli pictures together. You can learn more about how groups on flickr work here.