The Chilli King

Planting Old Chilli Seeds

Well, the snow has finally arrived here in the UK so I thought it about time I planted some more peppers. It’s almost exactly one month since I planted the first batch of chillies for 2012 and predictably i’ve got the itch to plant some more!

Before planting the first batch,  I said I was throwing out all my old seeds to make way for some fresher seed in new varieties. Well I didn’t exactly follow through on my intentions so yesterday I decided to plant some of the old seed to see if I could get some of the seeds to germinate.

Here’s what I planted in the tray above:

Some of these seeds is up to 5 or 6 years old so i’m not expecting 100% germination rates. That said the seed has been stored pretty well so hopefully we’ll get some success. I’ll be sure to report back in a few weeks if there is any sign of life.