The Chilli King

Orange Beetroot & Chilli Chutney Recipe

This great recipe was sent in by Jez Thorp as part of our chilli recipe competition. I’ve wanted to make some beetroot chutney for a while now so i’ll be sure to give this a go. It should make a nice change from our regular  standard chilli chutney recipe.

The following recipe makes between 6-8 jars.

Orange & Beetroot Chilli Chutney Ingredients

2 lb Orange (or normal beetroot)
1 lb Onion (Red if wanted for colour rough chopped)
Half lb apples (rough chopped)
3 Qt pint white vinegar
1 Tsp Salt
2 Tsp Mustard seeds
Half Tsp ground ginger
Half Tsp All spice (optional)
Qt lb white sugar
Chopped chillies to taste


Boil the beetroot just long enough for the skin to peel, roughly chop and add all the ingredients except the apple to a saucepan.

Bring to the boil then allow to simmer for 25 minutes stirring occasionally. Add the apples and cook out until thickened. Put into sterile jars and store for a week to allow the chillies to mature the flavour. If wanted add more beetroot and vinegar and less apple for a little more bite.