The Chilli King


The humble chilli pepper has been under going something of a resurgence in recent years with several high profile celebrity chefs such as Jamie Oliver and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall proclaiming the goodness of the chillies. With such celebrity proponents and the ever increasing popularity of fusion food and foreign influences in western cooking the chilli pepper is now more popular than ever.

Not only is it in the kitchen that the chilli is making an impact. More people are beginning to realise that growing chilli peppers is quite a simple process that even the most inexperienced gardener can have great success with, even in the chilly climates of Europe and North America. Be sure to take a look at our simple guide to growing chilli peppers if you fancy taking a stab at growing your own.

No matter if it chipotles, chilli powder, chilli oil, or chili flakes you want then be sure to read our chilli preparation guide where you’ll find loads of great ideas about what to do with your surplus crop.