The Chilli King

Chilli Soup Recipe

This great soup is easy to make and great either served as a light summer meal or a hearty winter warmer. The recipe is very adaptable too as you can easily change the ingredients according to your taste or what you have in the fridge.

Chilli Soup Ingredients

2 Potatoes
1 pint of vegetable stock
1 leek
1 onion
2 carrots
2 red chillies (cayenne or similar)
1 courgette
2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 thick slices of stale bread
1 handful of fresh thyme
salt and pepper


In a saucepan boil the potatoes for 10 minutes or until nearly cooked and after 5 minutes add in the chopped carrots. While they boil, in a deep pan sweat down the leek and onion until soft.

Drain the potatoes and carrots and add back to the pan. Add the vegetable stock, finely chopped red chilli, courgette (cut into thin strips), thyme and salt and pepper to taste. Simmer on a low heat.

Toast the stale bread slowly under the grill. When fully done, remove from the heat and cut into small cubes before serving sprinkled on top of the soup with a drizzle of olive oil.