The Chilli King

Chilli Growing Update

It’s been a few weeks since I last posed and update on my chillies. After re-potting last time (to 6″ pots) in mid May many of the plants were suffering from drooping leaves. I put this down to a combination of hot daytime temperatures and the shock from re-potting. The Cayenne’s are all now about 14″ in height and are looking a bit leggy (though Cayenne’s tend not to be the bushiest of plants) so I have used bamboo canes to give them a bit of support.

Chilli Plants Growing In Conservatory

The plants have continued to grow quickly despite the inconsistent weather. The only plants that are lacking a bit in growth are the orange habaneros and bhut jolokia, partly due to me not planting my seeds until the start of April. While the plants look very healthy they are only about 4″ tall. I’ve just re-potted these into 7″ pots and moved them to a more prominent position in the chilli house to maximize the amount of sun they get.

I’ve not grown as many varieties this year as I would have liked. Having recently moved house things have been a bit hectic this spring so I recently added a shop bought Scotch Bonnet (see below) plant to this years crop.

This shop bought scotch bonnet chilli plant looks really healthy after I re-potted it and is now just starting to flower so hopefully i’ll get some fruit to set in the next 2-3 weeks. As most of my chilli plants are living in a conservatory i will pollinate these plants by hand.