The Chilli King


Welcome to the Chilli King, a site dedicated to the humble chilli pepper. We aim to help our readers get the most out of their chillies whether growing them from seed or simply cooking some tasty meals.

How The Chilli King Was Born

This site was born in the summer of 2006, by accident really. A desire to learn how to set up a website coincided one summer with a craze for growing and eating chillies. To satisfy both these needs my kind girlfriend (update: now wife!!!) bought me

When I first got it there was nothing, just an address. What followed was a few months of learning html, writing content until I had something that vaguely resembled a website, erm about chillies.

Over time the site has grown and so has it’s popularity. In those first few months we received only a handful of visitors. Today it is tens of thousands each month and growing fast. In fact it is the visitors to this site that make it so great. As well as the comments and discussions on our posts we receive loads of emails each month which we do our best to reply to!

Get in Contact

If you have any suggestions, ideas or questions please feel free to get in touch with us by filling in the form here.