The Chilli King

2009 Chilli Season Underway

Well usually at the ChilliKing our growing season starts some time in November. Unfortunately due to other projects we have not had a chance to get some seeds in the ground…..until now!

Here are the varieties we got under way yesterday:

None of the seeds were pre-soaked. The seeds were simply planted in cell trays and covered with around 10mm of regular potting compost (sieved). I’ve tried pre-soaking seeds before and had mixed results.

Making Up For Lost Time

In order to try and catch up for lost time we are using a heat mat to speed up the germination process. The heat mat was purchased from a reptile shop (they are designed to keep reptiles tanks nice and warm by emitting a constant heat). The seed trays were simply placed inside regular plastic propogators which in turn were placed onto the heat mat. The extra heat provided by the mat should at least half the usual time taken for the chillie seeds to germinate.

Follow Our Chilli Growing Progress

We’ll be posting progress on our growing season right here on the blog so keep checking back for progress updates.  In addition we’ll be posting updates on our twitter feed.

Just follow this link to keep up to date: